Destiny: Map of Earth, Moon, Venus and Mars

Here is an image of all the Destiny maps, including story, strike, patrol and raid details. Some of them include a video walkthrough.

The Last City (Tower), Earth
Home of the Guardians, where you can regroup, rearm, and form new alliances before venturing beyond.

Old Russia, Earth
The cradle of humanity – a world of ancient glory, waiting to be retaken.

Map Points
- Devils’ Lair
- Forgotten Shore
- Gateway
- Kings’ Watch
- -- The Blast
- Mothyards
- Rocketyard
- Skywatch
- The Divide
Restoration, Level 2 Story
Return the Fallen territory and hunt for parts to restore your ship’s ability for interplanetary travel.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
The Dark Within, Level 3 Story
Investigate reports of a hidden power trapped in the Cosmodrome Array stations.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
The Warmind, Level 4 Story
Break the House of Devils’ grasp on the Cosmodrome and secure a vital link to the Golden Age.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
The Last Array, Level 5 Story
Track down codes to raise an ancient Array and connect it to long-lost colonies throughout the solar system.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
The Devils’ Lair, Level 8 Strike
The Fallen House of Devils in the Cosmodrome sustain their strengths through a single, exalted Servitor known as Sepiks Prime. Find where this keeper of souls lies and destroy him.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
- Matchmaking
- Xbox Live Gold Required
- Armor Upgrade
Patrol Cosmodrome, Level 4 Patrol
Scour the Old Russian launch port and aid the City in their exploration efforts.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
- Spinmetal
- Vanguard Reputation
Ocean Of Storms, Moon
An ancient evil stirs beneath the shattered surface of our Moon.

Map Points
- Anchor Of Light
- Archer’s Line
- Hellmouth
- Template Of Crota
The Dark Beyond, Level 6 Story
Follow the trail of a Guardian who went dark searching for a way into the Hive Fortress.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
The World’s Grave, Level 7 Story
Descend into the Hellmouth to a Hive library which hold ancient secrets they have ripped from Earth.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
The Sword of Crota, Level 7 Story
Infiltrate the Hive Fortress and destroy the legendary Sword of Crota, a weapon once used to slay thousands of Guardians.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
Shrine Of Oryx, Level 8 Story
Search the darkest corners of the Hellmouth for the fabled Shrine and destroy it.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
Chamber Of Night, Level 8 Story
Scour the Hive Fortress for a chamber where the Speaker believes a dark ritual is silencing the Traveler.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
The Summoning Pit, Level 12 Strike
Deep within the Hellmouth, the Hive are breeding powerful abominations to unleash upon Earth. Find the pit where they live and stop any new horrors from rising.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
- Matchmaking
- Xbox Live Gold Required
- Armor Upgrade
Patrol The Moon, Level 8 Patrol
Survive the shattered surface of Earth’s Moon and aid the City in their efforts.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
- Helium Filaments
- Vanguard Reputation
Ishtar Sink, Venus
The jungles of Venus conceal great treasures – and terrible power.

Map Points
- Endless Steps
- Headlands
- Ishtar Academy
- The Cinders
- -- Ember Caves
- -- Winter’s Lair
- The Citadel
- -- The Terminus
- The Shattered Coast
- -- Ishtar Cliffs
- -- Waking Ruins
A Stranger’s Call, Level 10 Story
Follow the Stranger’s coordinates to a legendary colony lost in the jungles of Venus.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
Ishtar Collective, Level 11 Story
Unravel the secrets of the Vex by reviving an ancient research station of the Ishtar Collective.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
The Archive, Level 12 Story
Find the Collective’s lost Archive, sealed for centuries, in a vault deep beneath the Ishtar Academy.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
Scourge Of Winter, Level 12 Story
Hunt and kill Draksis, the House of Winter’s Kell, hiding deep in the caves of the Ishtar Sink.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
Eye Of A Gate Lord, Level 13 Story
Lure out the Vex Gate Lord that protects the Endless Steps and bring its head back to the Awoken.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
Winter’s Run, Level 14 Strike
As the Vex march to claim the Ishtar Sink, the Fallen House of Winter are raising powerful Archon, stolen from the Prison of Elders in the Reef. Find the Archon before they fully restore his soul.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
- Matchmaking
- Xbox Live Gold Required
- Armor Upgrade
The Nexus, Level 14 Strike
The Golden Age legends tell of ancient tunnels below the Academy, where a Vex machine once at away at the planet. Descend into the old dig sites and find this Nexus before it churns again.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
- Matchmaking
- Xbox Live Gold Required
- Armor Upgrade
Patrol Venus, Level 11 Patrol
Explore the Ishtar Sink and aid the City in their efforts.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
- Spirit Bloom
- Vanguard Reputation
Vault Of Glass, Level 26 Raid
Beneath Venus, evil stirs.
- Difficulty: Hard
- Fireteam: 6 Players
- Cooperative
- Xbox Live Gold Required
- Weekly Rewards
- Raid Set Gear
- Ascendant Materials
Meridian Bay, Mars
In the sandswept carcass of a lost city, dark forces gather for war.

Map Points
- Buried City
- -- Dust Palace
- -- Freehold Station
- -- Tharsis Junction
- -- The Hollows
- Legion’s Keep
- -- Iron Line
- Rubicon
- -- The Wastes
- Scablands
- The Barrens
- Valley Of The Kings
Exclusion Zone, Level 15 Story
Survive the military power of the Cabal and find the Gate to the Black Garden.
- Difficulty: Normal
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
The Garden’s Spire, Level 16 Story
Seize control of the Black Garden Spire held behind the wall of the Cabal Warbase and wake the Gate Lord’s Eye.
- Difficulty: Normal
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
A Rising Tide, Level 17 Story
Find and destroy the source of the Vex surging to protect the Black Garden.
- Difficulty: Normal
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
The Buried City, Level 17 Story
Clear out the Cabal occupying the lost city of Freehold and explore what remains.
- Difficulty: Normal
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
The Black Garden, Level 18 Story
Fight through the Gate and enter the Black Garden to destroy its heart.
- Difficulty: Normal
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
Cerberus Vae III, Level 18 Strike
Just beyond their warbase, Valus Ta’aurc, Fleet Commander of the Cabal Siege Dancers, hides in an Imperial Land Tank. Fight through his guard and stop this terror before he destroys all of Freehold.
- Difficulty: Normal
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
- Matchmaking
- Xbox Live Gold Required
- Armor Upgrade
Patrol Mars, Level 17 Patrol
Fight through the shifting dunes and aid the City in their exploration efforts.
- Difficulty: Normal
- Fireteam: 1-3 Players
- Cooperative
- Relic Iron
- Vanguard Reputation